
Tuesday, April 07, 2015

MARKETING: Am I A Spammer?

Leo Notenboom, computer technology specialist

Ever wondered if your email marketing method can be considered as spamming? Leo Notenboom gives valuable insight into whether it is or not. He also shares suggestions on how to market through email. I found the article to be clear and helpful.

Am I Sending Spam by Leo Notenboom

Leo has been a computer technology specialist and software engineer since 1979. He has a lot of credentials, including having worked for Microsoft for 18 years. He publishes his Ask Leo! newsletter each week. He says it is "where you can find more answers tips and tricks to make your technology “just work”!" He is currently offering a free ebook on helping speed up your computer if you sign up. You don't have to do that, though, to benefit from the wealth of help at his website.



Leo A. Notenboom said...

Thanks for the mention!


Artsy Craftery Design Studio said...

Sure, Leo! Your newsletter also has great bites of info that I can scan quickly.